Friday, June 17, 2011

Primavera Classes

Houston Primavera Classroom 
  • Basic Primavera P6 July 25-27 ($1295) or August 1-3 ($1395)
  • Advanced Primavera P6 July 28-30 ($995) or August 4-5 ($1095)
  • Take Both classes and save July 25-30 ($2190) or August 1-5 ($2390)
We are trying to put together some Primavera training in Beaumont. Please share this with Primavera users at your facility. We know there are lots of P6 users in the area that don’t know about Summit Training or the possibility of getting Primavera training locally. If you are interested in Basic or Advanced P6 classes, please let us know.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ask Amy

Question: I just moved from Outlook 2003 to Outlook 2010. The option to send someone a “Bcc” is not available. I can't find it anywhere. How do I go to turn on the “Bcc” option?
Answer: “Bcc” can be turned on through the Options tab. The trick is, you must have a message open for the Options tab to be displayed. Follow these steps to turn on the Bcc option in both Office 2010 and 2007.
1. Open a new message.
Click on the Options tab.
Within the Fields group, click on the Show Bcc button. Once Bcc is turned on, it remains on for all new messages.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ask Amy

If you are working in Word and you want to find a synonym (a word with a similar meaning) for a word in your document, select that word and press the SHIFT+F7 keystroke combination.  A pane opens with a list of possible words that can be substituted for the selected word. This works in all versions of Word.