Cropping a Picture to a Shape
These steps will work in Microsoft Word or PowerPoint version 2010
- Select the picture to be cropped to shape. It will have round selection handles on each corner and square selection handles ion the middle of each side.
- Click on the Picture Tools Format tab.
- Perform the following steps:
- Click on the bottom of the Crop button
- From the drop-down menu, select Crop to Shape.
- Make a Selection from the Shapes Gallery. In our example, we chose Trapezoid.
The picture will be cropped to the shape:
When I’m working in PowerPoint is there any way to turn a bulleted list into a piece of SmartArt without retyping it?
- Yes, select the bulleted list to be converted to SmartArt.
- Right click on it.
- From the shortcut menu, select Convert to SmartArt.
- Make a selection from the gallery of SmartArt shapes.
Your bullets are converted into SmartArt and quickly go from this ….
To this: